Envisioning the life you want and acquiring the tools to create it!


Are you ready to live with less stress and feel more balanced?

Are you ready to feel physically and emotionally healthier?

Are you ready to learn techniques to create positive flow in your environment?

Are you ready to inspire the life you wish to create?

Welcome to VisionSerenity!

Shannon Feggins is a certified essential oil educator, avid journaler, yoga practitioner and a certified feng shui consultant who teaches simple techniques and approaches to individuals looking to live life with more balance utilizing holistic tools.

Shannon Feggins teaches and coaches individuals from all walks of life - - from those that are new on this path to those that are more experienced. She believes everyone can be served by these methods regardless of their life’s circumstances, class, gender, or educational level.

This journey rises up to meet you once you set the intentions to begin.

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essential oils

The use of high grade essential oils is a powerful natural based tool for holistic support for the mind, body and spiritual well-being.



Putting pen to paper is a personal journey that can lead you to living your best life full of balance & harmony.

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Yoga & feng shui

These two approaches will help you balance your inner and outer energetic flow and your laws of attraction.